I have a #hypermobile #hEDS #EDS #DisabledTwitter question!

I don’t think I get subluxations but had an odd moment the other day.
My right ear was sore (I had been wearing headphones all day) and I thought “pimple?” A gentle probe with a cotton bud provided no info so I pressed
Around the outside of my ear in the area to see if I could feel a lump etc. when I pressed on my tragus I had a pop/click and the pain reduced a lot.

Could the cartilage around my tragus have been “dislocated” /displaced slightly? Or am I reading what happened weirdly.
@bennessb @EDSprblms i know i have more people i could ping for this thread, or maybe ask to share? I am super curious and dont have enough twitter influence to often get answers :P
You can follow @Othlon.
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