Cardio only will make you “skinny fat” but a combination of cardio and weights will make you lean - you’ll have muscle definition and less body fat.

Either way for fat/weight loss the main thing is that you need to eat at a caloric deficit.
When lifting you wanna make sure the sole is as hard and compact as possible - that’s why I normally train with my converse shoes (especially on leg days when I’m doing deadlifts and squats). Cardio shoes should be cushion-y to help absorb shock from impact & keep ur joints safe.
Progress isn’t just limited to one thing. It’s anything that brings you closer to your health and fitness goals - don’t let the scale alone be your measurement of progress. You make soooo many strides, daily - you just don’t realize it. Keep on keeping on ❤️
Fat loss 101 🏃🏽‍♀️💨
1. Calorie deficit - eating less food than usual eg. 1800 instead of 2500.
2. Strength training - weights burn more calories than cardio only. combine the two.
3. Whole Foods - eat nutrient dense meals within your daily caloric recommendation.
4. Be patient.
1. Fat loss = not only eating clean but also at a caloric deficit (less food than usual)
2. The fat loss has to be full body, not just your waist / core.
3. To build blocky abs, you need to resistance train them and decrease ur body fat % for visibility.
4. Nutrition is key.
Beginners 🤗
If you’re planning to hit the gym for the first time - here are some tips. Also just to add on :
- have a talk with your Trainer beforehand, they will ALWAYS be there to help.
- get a gym partner, motivate each other.
- start off with machines before free weights
Booty gains 🍑✨
1. To grow larger you need to eat more (caloric surplus)
2. Aim for atleast 15 - 20 sets per week. Don’t overwork the muscles.
3. Enough recovery time.
4. Focus on the range of motion + developing a mind muscle connection. Heavy doesnt always mean more gains.
I normally curb my cravings most times by implementing IIFYM (if it fits my macros) into my meal plans. Eg. If I wanna have fries + milkshake (eg. 1000 calories) , I’ll make sure the calories fit into my daily caloric recommendation of 2200 calories per day - it fits in my macros
Carbs are not the enemy 🤷🏾‍♀️ complex carbs are your friend if you’re training compared to simple sugary carbs. Love having carbs especially after training to replenish my glycogen stores ASAP since I train fasted. Carbs are good , just eat within your daily macro recommendation 💫
Everyone has abs 🗣🗣🗣 you just have a higher body fat % that’s why they aren’t showing. So you need to train them to grow them, but also do your cardio to shred off the fat.

Abs are also not symmetrical for everyone, you could have asymmetrical abs but that’s still okay 💫
Weighs vs. Cardio.

My take is - combine both weights and cardio. Weight lifting has been scientifically proven to burn calories EVEN after you come out of the gym. I like doing 60-90 mins weights and 15 min HIIT. Some days I do 60 min LISS. But it’s always a combination.
The butt is comprised of 3 main muscles - the glute maximus, medius and minimus. 🍑

Maximus - all squat variations, leg press, lunges, hip thrusts.
Medius - abductor machine, side leg raises, lateral band walks.
Minimus - all clam variations, lateral band walks, fire hydrants.
If you’re trying to lean up / lose weight (body fat), the focus should be more on your nutrition other than the cardio you do. Calorie deficit basically means eating less food than usual eg. If you eat 2000 calories per day, drop down to 1700 calories. 💫
HIIT - Intensity Intensity Interval Training. LISS - Low Intensity Steady State Cardio.

I personally prefer HIIT to LISS but it depends on my fitness goal at the moment. HIIT if I’m on a cut, LISS if I’m maintaining. HIIT = bodyweight / treadmill . LISS = stairmaster 😍
Protein repairs damaged muscle tissue, at the gym - you basically just tear and break down ur muscle to rebuild it via ur nutrition.

Your post workout protein shakes should be in accordance to ur fitness goals. High calories for bulking, low calories for cutting. 💫
THIS! Just because what you’re eating is considered healthy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t track your portions / calories. Having several salads per day in the name of “healthy” is just an extra oblivious 700-1000 calories backtracking you. Weight loss = caloric deficit.
For gluttes I normally hit on average of 36 sets per week. Your booty gains will depend on genetics, tempo (time under tension), load (how heavy), frequency (2-3 days weekly), effort (training to failure) and exercise selection (glute isolation). Nutrition is also paramount.
Take care of your kidneys ✨ today is #WorldKidneyDay and here’s how you can care for your kidneys.

Fact : detox / cleansing teas are useless - your kidney gets rid of all the toxins in your body with or without their help. Focus on having healthy functional kidneys.
Women should lift often & heavier 🏋🏽‍♀️✨

I personally love weight lifting because of the confidence boost I get, alongside the strength gains, alongside the lean muscle I build from it, also the freshness it brings to my mental state - it just makes me feel YUMMY.
Vegetarian = excludes dairy but some don’t, some may consume eggs.
Vegan = avoid animal protein and animal produce like eggs and milk.

You can be vegetarian / vegan and STILL build muscle, as long as you’re meeting your daily plant protein recommendation. eg. 150 grams.
Not just with ab training, but with every single exercise you do - master your breathing. A common rule is breathing in while at the positive (relaxed) point of the move, and breathing out during the negative (contraction) which allows for greater contraction. Also, be slow.
Here’s a non-exhaustive list of some common foods and the macronutrient categories they fall into 🍒🍌🥥 Most foods are a blend of all three macros.

Always remember 80% nutrition - 20% workouts. And 80% clean foods - 20% treat meals, don’t be too harsh on yourself 😊
You need to implement progressive overload into your workouts in order for your body to not “hit a plateau”. Your body adapts to what you put it through = no change. Lift a bit heavier, add three more reps, improve your form & range of motion, beat your running time record.
You MUST protect your back during deadlifts. Rounded back = extreme danger (slipped discs and any other spinal cord injuries). Keep your back as flat / neutral as possible and the bar close to your sheens so that it travels up your body during the movement.
Muscle gain = resistance training (eg. weight lifting) + eating at a caloric surplus.

Shredding up = resistance training (to preserve your lean muscle) + regular HIIT + eating at a caloric deficit.

All are possible if you get a CUSTOMIZED workout program from a CPT. 💫
Complete restriction often leads to binging on junk as a form of compensation for “eating clean”. This is why I practice the 80-20 rule, eating whole nutrient dense food 80% of the time and 20% treats daily / every other day. Strike a healthy balance while sticking to ur macros.
Eating terribly and telling yourself “I’ll work it out later” is the reason you’re not seeing progress. Consume treats in moderation, make sure that they fit in your macros (IIFYM) and practice the 80-20 rule. Overindulging / eating mindlessly will cost you a lot.
Does training time really make a difference? The answer is NO.

Train according to how best the timings fit your schedule in a way which you won’t rush your workouts. What matters most is that you actually put in the work when you said you will be. 😊
To gain weight (muscle mass) you need to be eating at a controlled caloric surplus WHILE resistance training (weight lifting, crossfit, power lifting, swimming etc). Strength training is ur best bet, especially using compound moves = triggers anabolic response = muscle growth. 🥳
Wanna know what all your favorite trendy diets have in common ? A caloric deficit. Which is essentially, what everyone does (knowingly or unknowingly) in order to lose body fat.

Eating less food than usual. It’s not magic, just twisted words 😅😊
A question I get a lot from the ladies : Does working out give your boobs a lift ? 🤔🤔🤔

All in all, when you workout, body fat decreases, your boobs are mostly fat, so they decrease in cup size. You will not get a dramatic lift either.
You can eat carbs after 6pm, if you’re aware of just how much you’ve eaten during the day. Tracking macros helps a lot eg. If you’re meant to eat 250g of carbs per day, and at 6pm you’re at 150g, finish it off.

If at 6pm you’re at 250g & you eat an extra 150g = caloric surplus.
Leg press foot positioning varies depending on what you wanna target, to add on :
- narrow stance : targets your abductors / side of your hips.
- you can perform calf raises on the leg press as well, by placing your toes at the very bottom.
I love doing this especially when I know I’m gonna indulge later on during that day. 😍

This works best if you are aware of just how many calories you should be consuming at the end of the day. Ties down to the concept of IIFYM (if it fits your macros) #thrivefitnesske
How hydrated is TOO HYDRATED ? make sure you aren’t peeing out all your nutrients & electrolytes #thrivefitnesske

Everyone’s water intake varies, depending on your environment, activity levels, body weight etc. I drink 4.5 L per day & still maintain the second last shade.
Learn to strike a balance in your nutrition. Complete restriction often leads to uncontrollable bingeing - we don’t want that. #thrivefitnesske

For me the 80-20 rule / IIFYM (is it fits your macros) approach works best ! 😊 & i still stick to my daily macros + calories !
Beans & legumes are full of fiber (great for your gut health - gut bacteria & microbiome ) great for lowering your blood pressure too, great source of B vitamins & minerals that can strengthen your immunity 🤸🏾‍♀️✨ swap your meaty dish for this, see how it goes.
If you wanna accelerate your fat loss & fire up your metabolism as well, get some more steps in. 🤗 a 30 minute walk every day, supplemented by your workout routine & proper nutrition (eating at a deficit) will spearhead you to your goals! #thrivefitnesske
Volume foods >>>>

They keep you fuller for longer, for fewer calories. Amazing for when you’re on a fat loss journey. #thrivefitnesske

Examples :
- Veggie mix 🥦🥕🥬
- Oats
- Grapefruit
- Watermelons
- Salmon
- Greek Yoghurt
Hunger scale 🍳🥗🍎🍚

🚫 Zone 1-3 : avoid as much as possible to prevent bingeing / overeating.
✅ Zone 4-7 : sweet spot. zone 5-6 is where you wanna be after a meal.
🚫 Zone 8-10 : try to avoid this zone, chasing fullness leads to discomfort & weight gain. #thrivefitnesske
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