Amazing how grater technology has developed. My current grater (left)and an original 80s grater, the size of a brick!
Amazing how flowerpot technology has developed. My current flowerpot (left)and an original 80s flowerpot, the size of a brick!
Amazing how book technology has developed. My current @LettersOfNote (left)and an original 80s @LettersOfNote, the size of a brick!
Amazing how Allen key technology has developed. My current Allen key (left)and an original 80s Allen key, the size of a brick!
Amazing how glass jug technology has developed. My current glass jug (left)and an original 80s glass jug, the size of a brick!
Amazing how coffee cup technology has developed. My current coffee cup (left) and an original 80s coffee cup, the size of a brick!
Amazing how dog technology has developed. My current dog (left) and an original 80s dog, the size of a brick! (This is actually her as a 4-week old puppy)
Karen showed me the photo and I had to summon Nutmeg for a cuddle.
:) x
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