ok it is time again for that pup dancing to totos africa it is time https://vine.co/v/i7QwgFAXwUY 
for those of u in the quiet car or somewhere where u cannot have sound here is the silent version of the dog dancing to totos africa
here u go enjoy
u can sing along quietly to this do not worry no one will mind
this corgi wants to know wat those two are up to https://vine.co/v/euraA6aAVZX 
ok it is time for this talkative pup to let u know exactly wa...wait who is that
ok it is time for the magical dogs yes it is that time again
ok it is time for the shiba in the wall every body should have a shiba in the wall for petting tbh
oh no the ballpark dogorganist is playing take me out to the ballgame one last time ok just one last time ballpark dogorganist
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