If late afternoon is your least productive time 😮, then read on

This thread describes hacks on how to manage your energy to have high productivity at this time
1. Take a power nap

Power nap provides a sustainable burst of energy.
It also enhances memory, cognitive performance, and logical reasoning

While jury is still out, anything between 15 to 30 minutes is a good duration.

Mostly people go for 20 mins of afternoon siesta
2. Strategically use caffeine

Have that cup of coffee
Contrary to popular belief, caffeine doesn’t give an instant kick
It takes 15-20 minutes to act

Best is to have it right before your power nap so that you wake up double recharged with nap and caffeine

Just don’t overdo it
3. Listen to cheerful music

Upbeat music can gradually lift your mood up.
A study found that people who listened to upbeat music could boost their happiness
Plug in to your favorite track for great results.

Use noise-cancelling headphones to immerse in the music completely
4. Eat healthy lunch

Frankly, this one is no-brainer

Stay away from desserts, sugary snacks, and sodas

Your meal must be such that you must feel satisfied but not too stuffed
5. Splash cold water on your face

If you’re struggling to stay awake, go to the bathroom and splash cold water on your face

This quick and simple hack can reenergize you instantly
6. Get Moving

Take a brisk walk, or better, find the staircase in your building and do 5-6 flights to get your blood pumping and your body warmed up

Also, taking your mind off what you've been focused on and getting a quick change of scenery can help to re-energize you
7. Chew Gum

This is the odd one out.
Chewing gum fights against the dip in vigilance that occurs when we spend a while doing a repetitive task

It also has the added benefit of distracting you from that high-carb snack you may crave in the afternoon
To increase your overall energy levels throughout the day:

- Sleep Well
- Exercise
- Meditate
- Drink water
- Eat whole and natural
- Don’t overthink
- Be present in the NOW
- Be grateful
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