Over the past few days we have seen Muslims openly show off their Qurbānī animals, whether just after having been slaughtered or after their meat having been cooked, this includes scholars and speakers.
The question arises, why is this not criticised as lacking wisdom?

Why is this not said to be driving vegans and vegetarians away from Islām?

Why is this not said to be provoking sensitivities and should be kept hidden?

Is the reason because most kāfirs still eat meat?
If the situation came that one day slaughtering animals came to be seen as barbaric and evil by all, would such behaviour and posts be criticised?

Also, if something which upsets vegans and vegetarians can be openly celebrated, why can other parts of the religion not be?
Why can we not openly discuss other matters which may offend and upset kāfirs and so-called Muslims?

Why does the former contain wisdom but the latter does not?

Why does only the latter have the ability to push people away from Islām?

Why does only the latter contain
Why the double standards?
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