7 Life lessons I learned working at a max security prison

Speaking with men who have life sentences and nothing to lose

Shifts your perspective on life so quickly, you don't even realize it
1. Adversity promotes growth

You learn how to adapt quickly in a dangerous environment if you want to survive
You find meaning in life when confronted with a hopeless situation

When you can't change your situation

You learn to change yourself
2. You learn what you truly value

You remove your toxic values and replace with positive values that align with your true self
Identify which of your values you weren’t honoring and how not living up to them created this terrible situation
3. You are the only person who can save you

Even if you join a gang or group

You are still subject to manipulation and betrayal
Your judgements and intelligence are what will save you

Take responsibility for your situation
4. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries

Weakness shown in prison will get you taken advantage of
You have to stand up for yourself in the face of altercations

Or you'll continually be subject to "being punked"

Live your truth and learn to tolerate little disrespect
5. The true prisons aren't made of concrete and steel

They're the ones created in your own mind
Fear, anger, negativity, low self-esteem, over-thinking, self-doubt, procrastination, guilt, shame, and addiction

Can control your life if you let them
6. Don't judge a book by its cover

Just because they commit crimes

Prisoners are creative and have a different level of intelligence
I've seen them create cellphones from calculators

Shanks from toilet paper

And stoves out of their desks
7. Above all, regret is a bitch

Never take your freedom or privileges for granted

You never realize how good you have it until they're gone
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