Surely people must realize Elizabeth Bruenig is not being criticized for being a mother at age 25 — surely people realize it’s the subtext that we should start encouraging young motherhood & discouraging abortion that bothers many of us
Bruenig habitually implies we put too much emphasis on work for women, and we should be reinforcing heteronormative gender roles for women who “want” to stay home — though her subtext is clearly that women should stay home.

But she’s an admitted pro-birther and thinks when we get pregnant we should have to go to term! So yeah, it’s getting fucking old having her force her TradCath wifery wet dream down our throats because she had a terrible father
lots of us don’t have kids at 25 for a million reasons. I was a single waitress at 25, like wtf
this thread is bringing out all the conservative Twitter personalities to defend ostensible “leftist” Elizabeth Bruenig. It’s weird, right!
Liz Bruenig is a Catholic social conservative
She’s a Catholic conservative. She may not identify as one, but it’s the company she keeps.
just a sampling of the cool and good people that have come out to White Knight
Daily Caller? Yikes, Liz you’re bringing out MAGA now? Is that the Twitter population you want to align with?
The Blaze has thoughts
I know it’s funny how the ostensible far-left and the far right have many similar feelings about things
ugh more
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