Yesterday had done a thread on how to build muscles post 40 safely. Today some worst mistakes most people do post 40 to build muscles. These are all from chapters from the book I have been writing though it’s in back burner at this time
1. Avoid CrossFit - most of the CrossFit exercises like jumping on the box, repeated Olympic lifts etc are hard in your joints, muscles and entire body. If ur primary goal is building muscles and losing fat there are more effective ways to train than CrossFit.
2. Don’t rely too much on Do it urself plans. Someone told u this plan has worked for him and u start doing the same. Ask a trainer. Something that has worked for your friends cousin is not necessary going to work for u. Get a trainer. At 40+ u should be able to afford one
3. Don’t try to train like the body builders u see on Instagram or YT videos. They have been training for years and maybe taking performance aids. Plus doing tons of volumes of each workout is unnecessary for progress. U r asking to get injured if u rush for too much volume
4. Nutrition is key part of getting muscles. You will not gain muscles if ur diet is off track. If u think u have done 1 hr great work out so u can eat anything, sorry u r doing urself more harm. Never miss a high quality protein with ur every meal.
5. Never overtrain. The goal of exercise is to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Training with weights 6 days a week without room for recovery will not lead to muscle gains. Instead of doing 20+ sets of one body part in a day, spread it out over three days in a week.
6. Don’t go for too heavy weights without getting ur form right. You are inviting trouble for urself. I have seen many new guys at gym, trying to gel with rest, don’t want to be lifting smaller weights. Ur muscles don’t know how much weight u r lifting. They know how much …
..tension is generated moving that weight through the full range of motion. Coming back to point 2- get urself a trainer - not a spotter - who will keep adding weights and counting ur reps. Get ur form right. Then add weights. And leave some reps in the tank.
7. Not warming up or cooling down properly. If u r not warming up or cooling down properly , u r readying yourself for imminent injury. I spend almost equal amount of time on these two combined as on my main workout. Cooling down is necessary to remove lactic acid & regulate HR
8. Inconsistent training &eating will never get u a desired result. 3 days consistent workout r better than 6day plan but inconsistent routine. 90% of people fail or don’t succeed because of inconsistency. Ur mind knows 1000reasons to be inconsistent, teach it 1 to be consistent.
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