I did childcare for like ten years and this is fairly common and also not limited to scientologists https://twitter.com/hollis_jane/status/1390490404248690691
My last job had me making spirulina smoothies for the toddler every morning (and then having to cajole him into drinking it) and I wasn't allowed to put suncream on the kids
Remember Summer 2019 when we had a 40 degree day? I had the day off and the baby got sunburned
One time she forgot to leave cash for the cleaner and when I called her bc the cleaner was in tears and barely spoke any English she asked me if I had the cash to pay her and she'd reimburse me
The baby also wasn't allowed to wear shoes. Both kids needed to be carried at all times, rocked to sleep and they were only allowed to drink goats milk baby formula because idk why
I put my neck out carrying the baby constantly in a sling because she wanted to "attachment parent" and also go back to work when he was 4m old lol I'm still having treatment on my neck
My kid got hand foot and mouth from her child and then she was mad at me for having to take sick leave to look after him
She'd asked me to come to work while her son was infectious and I felt like I couldn't say no and then the following week her kid was better and my kid had it and she was annoyed at me, a single parent, having to take the time off with my sick child
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