[THREAD] Let’s talk about self deprecating humour. We all use it from time to time, some more than others. It is a form of defence mechanism. If we make fun of ourselves, it is hard for others to have that shocking impact if/when they make fun of us or make comments.
However, it can also be detrimental to our mental health. Oftentimes, we learned to use that type of humour either because we were bullied at home/in school or other environments. It hurt a lot and was a psychologically scarring process.
Therefore, we decided to take ownership of the material used against us and making it our own so that others could no longer use it against us. However, when we do that, we also try to integrate it into our identities regardless of its reality.
For example, we could have been made fun of because some people told us we were “ugly” or “stupid”, etc...We start to believe that about ourselves and no matter how much we try to be okay with those terms, it still hurts.
When we take those proactive measures of making fun of ourselves or announcing it to others, we may make it easier for people with bad intentions to take advantage of us because they may know it stems from a lack of confidence.
Furthermore, it may create a depression linked to that self-talk that we will never be good enough/smart enough/beautiful enough and see ourselves as inferior to other people. Remember, this all stemmed from abuse in some shape. There isn’t any accuracy in it.
It is important to realize what it is and start letting go of that type of humour against ourselves. It doesn’t mean that we need to start saying the opposite but also not put ourselves down. It colours a view of a world/others who are always better despite it not being true.
It is also important to go to therapy when possible to process in a healthy way the trauma we went through. It is really important. We deserve better than to put ourselves down because others did it out of malice.
I am guilty of that too. Sometimes, I have to catch myself because it is so automatic using self deprecating humour. But it is worth it because we are worth more than what abusers tried to convince us we are for their own gain ❤️
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