Some musings on behaviour ....

Inevitably this will be deemed ‘controversial.’
Behaviour is a hugely divisive topic & no two people can agree. Having rules isn’t a case that you are evil, overbearing or power hungry.
Having a system of rules is actually part of our professional duty
Children/pupils/staff need complete clarity & consistency with rules
Everyone has a line in the sand & a form of zero tolerance. To argue we don’t is a fallacy.

For example, would anyone condone one pupil breaking another pupil’s nose? Unlikely
Children are predominantly conformist. If we allow the social norm to be chaotic then guess what behaviour is exhibited by the pupils....
Running a school in a challenging context is incredibly hard work. No Head needs to be on a tightrope wondering if they have rules that they will be vilified for it.
I’m always intrigued how people who do not run schools or ever have/ever worked in a school wish to tell the profession how to do their job. Dunning-Kruger truly is alive.
Positive behaviour makes a demonstrable difference to school improvement, staff well-being, pupil well-being, learning, results, recruitment, retention, morale etc
It is conveniently forgotten at times where a school was chaotic & then had a change in approach that has benefitted the school enormously that this change in approach has brought about positive change.
Often the people whinging about rules are the very people who do not wish to adhere to them.
Citing you care about children because you don’t believe in sanctions, systems, rules etc does not mean you care more. Children need structure & certainty. Without it they are never sure what the boundaries & lines are.
Not all behaviour is a form of communication. Very often it’s a case that pupils seek to chance their arm, that the social norm allows poor behaviour.
Working in a school where behaviour isn’t consistent & dealt with in a consistent manner is soul destroying for staff, most pupils & parents
Most parents would not want their child to be in a school where swearing at staff, fighting, bullying etc are common place
I’ll finish this feed with this, as there is a lot more I could add, it is our professional duty to drive behaviour & a school’s culture. It’s in the Head teacher standards & teacher standards. We shouldn’t absolve ourselves of our responsibility. To do so is unprofessional.
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