about once a week I think of that redditor who posted to r/legaladvice that he was finding unsettling post-it notes inside his place (presumably from his landlord) and another redditor clocked that the poster had carbon monoxide poisoning and was leaving himself the notes
the poster had also set up a webcam, which he thought his landlord tampered with. he later figured out that in his carbon monoxide-addled state he never connected the webcam to anything. he just... created a computer folder named WEBCAM thinking the files would somehow go into it
I found the webcam subplot interesting because it reminds me of how impaired my analytic thinking is when I'm dozing off or dreaming — my mind either thinks things 'add up' that don't, or it senses that things aren't linking together logically and strains to correct it but can't
anyway the obvious irony is that the poster was right that the problem was his landlord, he was just wrong about how lol
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