Hello! I was watched by my grandparents when both my teacher parents had to go off and teach dipshits like you. Being watched by someone who is not your parents when they’re at work is not being raised by someone else. It’s just childcare. Get a fucking grip. https://twitter.com/jazzcabbage12/status/1388502911878000646
Like seriously - there are so many people who think a parent not being with their kids 24/7 is abandonment. If you think people in daycare are “raising” your children do you also think that school is? Cause….
(And, once again, I am not talking about rich people with nannies)
You know what’s interesting? My sister and I were watched by my grandparents. My nieces, even though they live about a few miles from my parents, we’re watched by a wonderful woman in a home daycare. NOW, my mom heads over in the morning to get my nieces on the bus. Lucky.
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