Here’s the thing so many misogynists don’t understand (or choose not to because they’re, you know, misogynists): not a single feminist is against mother’s staying home with their children, what we’re against is your bullshit that the only way to be a good mother is stay at home.
We don’t have these discussions when it comes to fathers. There aren’t expectations on fathers to stay home with their kids or else they’re horrible fathers. And honestly, maybe we should have these discussions. The patriarchy has allowed fathers to do the bare minimum for praise
And it’s usually a bunch of shitty cis men discussing all the ways women can be better mothers when what they should really be focusing on is how to be better fathers. Worry about your own house, dudes.
And before you come at me: y’all dudes are always mean mothers when you y’all discuss ways for parents to better. You don’t mean parents - you mean mothers. At least own up to that.
you know why y’all dudes hate daycare so much? Because you’re shitty men feel women are only good for raising your children but you also think women can’t actually take care of your children because MOST CHILDCARE IS DONE BY WOMEN. We must watch children but only OUR children.
Basically - y’all don’t actually value women. And we can fucking tell. It’s not about how feminists are “threatened” by SAHMs, it’s about how y’all hate women and don’t actually value us.
There’s a reason things like paid family leave, universal childcare, education, etc have been under-funded/non-existent. Those things are notoriously seen as women’s work.
I mean, lol.
I mean, double lol.
The one thing you can say about me is I have a “disdain of motherhood” you really got me.
For the record - this is the tweet that made them tell my disdain for mothers and think we should all dump our children at daycare.
I’m just…genuinely curious where they got all this from my tweets saying daycare doesn’t traumatize kids any more than parents do (statistically, we are more likely to be traumatized by our parents and families more than anything else.)
I was unaware that birthing a child automatically made you a magical being who knew everything about how to raise children.
Honestly, it’s always interesting to see which tweets are gonna get me labeled as a liberal white feminist. As an aside: I do know the liberal white women that look down on SAHMs. I don’t considered them feminists.
And the premise of this thread is cis men do this shit. I could write an entire other thread on white women.
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