If you have imposter syndrome or feeling insecure as a game developer, it's OK. It's normal to feel that way.
I was talking to a friend yesterday about how working in games forces you to feel like you don't know what you're doing even if you've been doing it for a long time.
Your work in video games by nature is going to be constantly changing because we're always seeking to create a novel experience for our players.
When you start off in dev or change disciplines, you don't have experience in your field so it makes sense to feel like you don't know what you're doing.
But even when you get comfortable with what you do you're still going to feel like that because your job will constantly change. You could get promoted, you're learning new tools, your pipelines change, god forbid you go and work on a GasS project etc.
So remember that feeling of insecurity and imposter syndrome is proof that you're challenging and improving yourself. Making games can be really hard so be kind to yourself.
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