"The Founder never intended for D.C. to be a state."

Oh, shut up.

Do you realize how stupid it is to start touting the beliefs of a bunch of dudes from the 1700s? You are NOT making your case.

The Founders were a bunch of old white guys who OWNED other people and raped women.
The Founders had dentures made from teeth that they STOLE FROM OTHER HUMANS and - I cannot stress this enough - they were murderous, slave-owning rapists.

Maybe stop taking political cues from these absolute ghouls in 2021?
Do you know many planets the Founders knew about? SIX. They didn't know about Uranus (make all the jokes you want) or Neptune.


You want to to defend their ideas? Then give up antibiotics and cars the modern world, you stale snickerdoodles.
"oh but this is what our country was founded on"

Our country was founded on genocide and slavery. That sucks on a lot of levels, and one of the ways we can start acknowledging that is to stop acting like unrefrigerated lunchables and make sure everyone gets to vote.
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