Smartest ways to get lean and maintain muscle.

1) Appropriate calorie deficit

Generally a 500-1000 deficit daily is gonna be the most people can handle without the risk of losing any lean body mass.

Shoot for a loss of 0.5-1.5% of body weight loss per week, and only being on the higher end if you’ve a lot of fat to lose.
2) Progressive resistance exercise

This isn't a time to start doing crazy fucking supersets with light weights, especially if you don't normally train this way.

Stick to the heavy basics, try to get a little stronger and don't train like a coward because you’re in a deficit.
3) Don't push volume high

So when you’re in a deficit, your body has limited resources for recovery.

So it makes absolutely no sense to push your training volumes excessively high. Keep your training volume around the minimum effective dose.
Stimulate your body just enough to produce a signal to keep the muscle around, without pushing it over the edge and running into recovery issues.

This will make the dieting process more successful and enjoyable in the long run.
4) Sufficient protein intake

Keeping protein high is non negotiable. It’s essential for the growth and repair of muscle mass and other tissues in the body.

Plenty of lean meats, fish and dairy should be staples in your diet.
Shooting for an intake of >2g protein per kg of bodyweight will put you in a good range.

Based on the current evidence, to maximize anabolism one should consume protein at a target intake of 0.4 g/kg/meal across a minimum of four meals in order to reach their daily targets.
5) Appropriate cardio volume

Wanna know how much cardio I did to get lean? Zero.

Hitting daily step targets of 10-12k and saving your energy for your lifting sessions is a smart play.

Plus daily hitting daily steps helps with the recovery process from your lifting sessions.
However, if you do insist on doing some cardio, make sure it's low impact and do it after your lifting sessions.

Beating yourself down with lots of HIIT cardio is only gonna hinder your gym performance whilst dieting.

Time for everyone’s favourite.

If you're a sedentary Karen who sits on her ass every day and does a bootcamp class once a week, higher carbs probably aren't for you.

But if you lift heavy weights and train like an athlete multiple times per week, you’ll be fine.
Basing a good dose of your daily intake of carbs around your workout is gonna fuel your sessions that much better.

You'll be able to train harder, maintain your gym performance and keep your hard earned muscle mass when dieting.
Want more no bullshit tips on getting lean?

Grab your copy of ‘Fluffy to Ripped’ 
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