There are many different types of Pranayama exercises, but here are 7 Pranayama exercises that have the most practical benefits for everyday life as well as evidence-based research to support them, including:
Omkar: Chanting and extending the exhale with AUM mantra.

For relaxation and cooling the body, preparing for Yoga asanas, and a useful exercise to help you get into flow state.
Anulom Vilom/Nadi Shodhana: Alternate nostril breathing.

To activate the whole brain, for relaxation, and preparing for Yoga asanas.
Bhastrika: Bellow breathing.

For energizing the body and mind, cleansing the body, oxygenating the brain, and balancing the Ayurvedic Doshas
Kapalbhati: Rapid forced exhales while pulling in the abdomen.

For getting rid of stale stomach gases, clearing the sinuses, increasing energy levels.
Kumbhaka: Breath retention either on inhale (puraka/antar) or on exhale (rechaka/bahir).

Promotes healing, deep meditation, builds COâ‚‚ tolerance (when held on exhale).
Ujjayi: Constricting the throat to slow down and control airflow in and out of the lungs.

For relaxing, relieving headaches, clearing sinuses, and cleansing the body of built-up toxins.
Kaki Mudra: Drinking air.

For cleansing the bowels and promoting the growth of good bacteria, also reduces hunger pangs during a fast.
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