EDS and pregnancy. Wish the language weren't so gendered, but great article nonetheless. Summary 🧵 for #MedTwitter to follow https://twitter.com/hEDStogether/status/1380783292115529729
Pregnant or gestating EDS pts have: "increased risk of fetal malpresentation, precipitous vaginal birth (<4 hours) with a frequency of 28-36% and uterine prolapse in childbearing"
In EDS pts, episiotomy is assoc. w increased risk of pelvic prolapse. "Birth via caesarean section may be preferred in cases where episiotomy would otherwise be clinically indicated"
Local analgesia may be less effective or require higher doses, but spinal analgesia is generally considered to be safe and effective for these pts. Subarachnoid blocks have also been recorded as a suitable option for those with POTS
Postpartum complications in EDS pts: abnormal scar formation after caesarean or episiotomy, haemorrhage, pelvic prolapses (may be associated with episiotomy), DVT, complicated perineal wounds, coccyx dislocation
Due to abnormal healing and rates of wound dehiscence: "non-tension, non-dissolvable, deep double sutures, left in for at least 14 days" is advisable in these patients
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