Gyms are finally reopening in the UK tomorrow.

Best way to approach your training?

1) Start slow.

If you haven't touched a barbell for 3-4 months your body isn’t going to be accustomed to this style of training whatsoever.

This means you’re going to require very little stimulus at all for growth at the beginning.
2) Patience.

You’re not gonna need lots of volume to grow, so start off with minimal volumes for at least the first month.

Don’t be in a rush to get to your pre-lockdown weights, it will come back with time. Milk the most out of the first months easier gains.
3) Leave your ego at the door.

I get it, you’re eager to start lifting heavy weights again.

But play it SMART.

Lifting is all about the long game. Don’t load 90%+ and injure yourself because you couldn’t control yourself. Your body isn’t primed to be handling heavy loads.
Gyms have been closed for far too long.

Have a good one everyone.

But train fucking smart!
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