Slimyswampghost: hey guys guess what
SSG: I’m working on an FMV game about a bunch of girls in a haunted house
Ed Lee: oh shit I love night trap
SSG: well it’s not like
Ed Lee: you know I found the secret ending where dana plato takes her top off
Barker: you’re full of shit
SSG: this game is about a ghost called the long lady
Barker: but it’s FMV?
SSG: yes
[in game]
Long Lady: let’s see what kind of shot you are pilgrim
Long Lady: Take a crack at this bottle
Long Lady: ha ha! You missed that one! Try another!
Long Lady: ha ha! You missed that one!
SSG: I’m designing the Long Lady for this game
King: cool!
SSG: which is gonna be built by Jim Henson’s creature shop!
King: wow!
[at the creature shop]
Jim Henson: hi ho jim henson here, what do you think of our prototype trevor?
SSG: could we get rid of the googly eyes?
SSG: I think
SSG: well here my vision is a little more like
SSG: [adjusts long lady prototype muppet]
SSG: there!
SSG: what do you think of that?
Jim Henson: [flailing arms wildly] YAAAAY!!!!
Henson: watch this trevor
Henson: it’s a wonder of muppetronics
Henson: it takes over 20 operators and 500 yards of cable to operate the long lady
Long Lady puppet: It's time to play the music
Long Lady puppet: It's time to light the lights
Jim Henson: watch, this we’re filming a scene where the heroes encounter the first long lady attack
Long Lady: [frank oz falsetto] Hiiiii-ya!
Henson: trevor, we’re really excited to work with the creator of sirenpork
SSG: you mean sirenhead?
Henson: what
Henson: how does that work
Henson: that’s not even a pig pun
SSG: well sirenhead isn’t a pig
Henson: ok but what about long pork?
King: trevor do you think you could introduce us to jim henson?
SSG: yeah but you know
SSG: he's really an interesting guy
King: how so?
Jim Henson: [readying dynamite plunger] hey what do you guys think of wilkins coffee
Lovecraft: i-i prefer postum
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