You know what really grinds my gears? When people say things like "my cat/this cat/any cat acts like a dog!"

It's like no, the cat is acting like a cat but a substantial amount of people seem to not really understand at all how cats do act
Cats are social animals. I know they're characterized as loners but domestic cats have adapted to become social. It's a part of the domestication process--living with people meant living with lots of other cats in close quarters
While it's true many wildcat species are loners, domestic cats diverged from their wild brethren a long time ago.

Cats have complex social needs. They engage in constant communication with other cats and with people. They have a social language just like dogs do.
A cat being super friendly is a cat who has its social needs met. A cat who comes up to people and asks for attention is a cat who feels secure in accepting outsiders as members of its social group. A cat is just as capable of "love" as a dog
My cats have come from a variety of different backgrounds. Those who had negative experiences tend to shy away from newcomers while others, who were raised in more positive environments, will demand attention from literally anybody.
A lot of this comes from socialization.

So most people understand that dogs must be socialized. When they're puppies, dogs need to be taken out to safely and securely experience the world--different types of people, different smells and sounds, etc.
Well guess what cats need this too!!

When cats are kittens, they need to be exposed to the world. Have other people handle them. Meet strangers. Experience sounds/sights/scents. Just like dogs, this teaches cats not to be afraid. It makes them incredibly secure
A cat who hasn't been socialized will be shy and insecure. They might hide from strange people or experiences. They act like """a cat"""" (behaviors people assume are universal for all cats)

But this isn't universal and it's, in a large part, due to people not understanding
the complex nature of a cat's social needs.

For example. One of my cats, Otter, (that's him!) was bottle-raised from about a day old. He was handled by humans from the very beginning. He had to be seen by a vet often, so he became accustomed to traveling
He was handled by a bunch of different people--the various vets, me, my husband, my kid, my kid's friends, our friends. He was exposed to the world, pretty much

And now he's not afraid.
People are shocked when they come to our house and he runs up to greet them, wanting attention. They can't get over how he will allow anyone to hold him. They say "wow he's acting like a dog!"

No, he's acting like a cat who was socialized & is thus secure in his social needs
Cat behavior is complex (ugh I've used this word like a hundred times, sorry)!! They have an extensive "language" they use to communicate with us and each other. Female feral cats who live in colonies will even nurse each other's kittens--not a common thing in animals at all
The problem is when we treat cats like unknowable mystery beasts we encourage irresponsible husbandry. We assume that a cat being shy/hiding/anti-social is normal so we allow a pet to feel insecurity and stress because it's "acting like a cat"
And of course now I will get approx 20000000 replies about how YOU say YOUR cat is like a dog sometimes and you're a GOOD CAT OWNER OK???

Fine! Cool! If this doesn't apply to you then assume I'm not talking to you or critiquing your husbandry.
Anyway if you enjoy my words please consider helping me in my efforts to care for sick/injured/unwanted cats here in Spain:
[btw I'm not judging/shaming anyone who has trouble socializing their cat due to the pandemic. It sucks. For all of us. But even if you can't go out you can still try and get the cat used to different smells and sounds]
ALSO! obviously there are exceptions. Some cats may just...never become more outgoing for whatever reason (genetics, trauma, etc). Nothing will ever be true about everything
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