What are your favourite John Woo moments, big or small?

Here's a thread with my top 200 or so...
Can you hear this GIF?
True friendship, part 1/2.
True friendship, part 2/2.
Thematic continuation of the previous GIF.
God, I'm not even half way through this thread yet, so just EAT THE BLOODY RICE!
Some days, I think BULLET IN THE HEAD is John Woo's masterpiece.
People talk about range, but how many directors can go from RUN TIGER, RUN to A BETTER TOMORROW in just a few months?
Me, seeing my reflection in my computer screen right now.
This GIF features Michael Wong. Follow @Wonggifs for more.
Cigarette break. Back in 5. I don't smoke, but you know...
Hey, did you *really* think I forgot about PAYCHECK? 😆
Would I rather be rewatching FROM RICHES TO RAGS? I mean... đŸ€”
Hong Kong comedy is an acquired taste. I am fortunate enough to have acquired said taste.
Or, you could argue it's only for people with good taste.
Although sometimes it might be a rough hill to die on. đŸ€Ł
Chang Che, Peckinpah, sure, they were essential influences on John Woo. But the man loves silent films. It translated into his action style of course, but he can do the comedy bits just as well.
Exhibit B:
John Woo's war films are always horrifying experiences, emotionally speaking.
I kid, but they usually are.
I mean, did you expect the slaying of Slater?
Oh god, the doves are flying, people are dying. I think we're nearing the climax!
Shit, wait, sorry, still got a couple of goofy ones.
Alright, this is the last stretch, the extended action finale, let's fucking go!
Let's conclude on one of the most iconic and influential scenes in the history of cinema.
Silly me, I almost forgot the best shot of his filmography!
Alright, thanks for scrolling through 200+ John Woo GIFs today. Listen to my friend @hibachijustice (a.k.a Scott Adkins' personal friend and host to the most complete podcast in the world) talk about John Woo here:
You can follow @HeadExposure.
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