Biggest fitness misconceptions:

- salt is bad
- eggs are bad
- almonds are great for fat loss
- the more small meals, the better
- cardio is necessary for weight loss
- high cholesterol foods are bad for you
- peanut butter is a great source of protein
Let me clarify each misconception:

1. Sodium is necessary for bodily functions.

When you exercise, sodium is necessary to replenish electrolytes that you’ve lost from a workout.

Along with potassium, sodium regulates your blood pressure.
2. Eggs are healthy as heck.

High in protein and healthy fats,

A whole food is anything but unhealthy.

Moderate cholesterol level, build muscle, and filling.
3. Almonds are extremely high in calories.

A handful usually amounts to 200 calories, quite a bit if you’re trying to diet.

Find foods that are more diet friendly, like celery, carrots, cucumbers, fruits, etc.
4. The number of meals you eat doesn’t matter.

It comes down to how many calories you’ve eaten throughout the day!

Also small meal timings makes things much more difficult to schedule,

Meaning the easier it is for a habit to fall apart.
5. Cardio does not have to be performed to lose weight

Especially not if you want to build muscle.

You should be resistance training to build muscle,

And eating healthily to lose weight.
6. Cholesterol is good when it’s coming from whole foods.

You’re completely mixing up cholesterol from seed oils and deep fried foods,

From the healthy cholesterol of eggs, red meat, and seafood.
7. Peanut butter has more carbohydrates and fats than protein.

You’re getting ~40% carbohydrates, ~40% fats, and ~20% protein.

Talk about a high source of protein.

Also, extremely high in calories.

A tablespoon is = 80 calories, no bueno!!
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