1. A short thread.... #EYFSreforms

Hearing practitioners applauding the EYFS reforms for..

*the reduction of data...

*the fact they feel they can now do what they should be doing...interacting with children...
3. May I speak frankly as an EYs practitioner of over 20 years and former LA advisor?

The EYFS in its current form doesn't state anywhere anything contrary to this.

It doesn't instruct us to gather piles of data- I know this from EYFSP STATUTORY handbook....
4. And it doesnt tell us to not spend time with children. The #UniqueChild is at the heart of the EYFS after all along with the #CoETLs (which these reforms have downgraded and rewritten away from the child and towards adult led)
5. Oops two number 4's!!!
6. Where does the blame lie? Who is it that has led us down a road of fine grading age bands to show progress? Endless evidence collection (again NOT in the statutory EYFS profile handbook)? And time away from play?
7. Well...

Its about online tracking systems where we have to make the impossible possible-

SLT "What does 40-60S translate to in KS1?"
YrR Teacher: "It doesnt work like that."
SLT: " Well it has to on this tracker...!
8. Its OFSTED coming into schools and sending non EYFS experienced inspectors into classrooms who say things like:
"I don't like "in the moment planning" "
"Where is the evidence of progression in their books"
"I can't give you good/outstanding if you cant give me this data"
9. Its LAs asking for data sets at points in the EYFS when they are not statutorily required and telling PVI settings if the data isnt good enough it will affect their funding
10. Its a DFE obsessed with data and interpreting % of children not achieving GLD as meaning they are failing- even though perhaps they are summer born, EAL, SEN or just not quite there yet. And how these statistics are used in reports #boldbeginnings and speeched by Gov/Ofsted
11. And then the LA sends the tables out of the GLD acheived across the borough to all schools. SLTs ask YrR teachers why their data isnt as high as the school down the road- even though you know their practice and its dire.
12. So please, please, please don't fall for this wolf in sheeps clothing.

The current EYFS never told anyone to collect endless data or to not spend time with children.

If the EYFS including Dev Matters (2012) has been bastardised- lets look at who by, why and how.
13. So much work that needs to happen to stop the data obsession. A new stat framework and non stat guidance (which are both in parts completely flawed) cannot change this with blogs and videos.

We need CPD. And especially for those leading schools and making judgements.
14. So much work to be done to make sure everyone is focussed on interacting with children and doing what really matters.

But again we need CPD. And for everyone. Those on the ground and those who judge and observe practice.
15. What needs to happen now? Right now?

Pause the EYs reforms.
Review. Regroup. Reflect.

And build on what we already have- make it stronger- refocus on #Uniquechild

Don't tear up, rewrite and throw the baby out with the bath water...
16. And don't believe these ill informed, reforms will do what they promise on the tin. They won't. Real reform is about the sector coming together. Working together and shaping policy.

These reforms really are not about that. At all...
17. Not such a short thread after all! Maybe I need to blog instead!

Stay safe you brilliant lot. Look after yourselves. Thank you for all you do every day. Proud to be a part of an amazing sector.

Peace and love.
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