when I tell y'all that @emelineohara and I fought Jacob Frey when he walked past us during the middle of our dinner...he told us to speak respectfully and I went, "sir, this is as respectful as you deserved to be spoken to." right after I told him what he'd said was bullshit lmao
did I record the entire conversation? yes. were we nice? absolutely not. but I wasn't raised by minnesotans. I don't believe in being nice.
we fought him on his response to our houseless neighbors and his police department and frankly, I would fight him again bc he's full of shit. for 15 minutes we made him stop and talk to us. our server came over and said "is this man bothering you?" and I said "yes, in many ways."
you know what, actually? we were very polite. we even introduced ourselves. after telling him my full name I said, "I'm the owner of the ONLY Black owned bookstore in the state." and he was like "oh I know you, you're doing great work." I said "of course you do and yes, I know."
His response to @emelineohara telling him her experiences being houseless and also harassed by HIS police? "I hear you."

her: "it's fucked up."

him: "it *is* fucked up."

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