Corona centrist here. Yes, REACT is bad, and confirms we are now at a very substantial fraction of Wave 1. But please don't quote these regional R numbers without confidence intervals. E.g. Round 6 says SW is "anywhere between 0.89 and 3.79" (see bottom right corner).
I mean, London R 2.86, anywhere up to 4.87? If R0 was 3 (ok, estimates vary), and 20% of Londoners have been infected, even if everyone was acting like they did in March you shouldn't get R above 2.4.
Meanwhile North East R 0.57, anywhere down to 0.07? 0.57 is the kind of value we got to under full March lockdown, and I don't personally think you could get 0.07 even under full Wuhan gunpoint methods.
The raw data is available at
for anyone who wants to play at home.

For example, for the South West successive days go
7,3,7,8,4,13,6 positive tests out of 993,898,1352,1137,1114,1101,614.

Pick a trend out of that. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
But none of this statistical nerdery should distract from the key national message: prevalence is up, there's no strong evidence that anything we've done so far has reduced R by anything like enough, we have a serious problem.
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