When I look back at last 20 years of my life, we fought 6 cancer cases in the closest family- Mom,Dad, Grandmom, Sister, Nephew, Mom In law. Many more in the extended family. And we won all these battles. Some lessons
1) It can happen to anyone. None were into any form of addiction.
2) Money is an important component for survival. Get a big insurance. And insurance alone cannot help. In nephews brain tumour case when best Docs here had no solution, we went to US for a year long treatment
So be thrifty in ur young days. Create wealth. Don’t splurge.
3) Family together is most important. I can’t emphasise enough on it’s importance to fight the disease.
4) Stay positive. Every moment. When happy and when in pain. Don’t try to win sympathy with ur sadness
And I am available 24X 7 to guide and talk in case God forbid you have to face these times. They are painful moments. Be strong. My email Id is there on bio. Always look upstream. Regular checkup for early detection is sure shot way to fight it out.
You can follow @SandeepMall.
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