sometimes when i am feeling too calm my brain reminds me:

"they wouldn't have confirmed amy coney barrett so fast if they weren't planning to steal the election"
Just blocked someone for saying that thinking about fascism is "stressful" and we should just be happy. Please remember that the Republican party has a track record here, and that Trump's re-election would be a matter of deep harm for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ Americans.
Going to need our "just drink a glass of wine and everything's okay! The system always works for ME" category of white woman to sit this one the fuck out
Reminder that if you want to pretend the world is great and that you don't have to stress whether those kids in cages could ever be yours, you can scroll on by instead of dropping in for a lil gaslighting session
Another reminder
Consider: One of the great advantages that Republicans have is that many liberal Dem women have spent the past few years immersed in the magical thinking of GOOP and "vibes" instead of realistically understanding that things don't always turn out for the best without hard work.
I love a good energy discourse just like anyone these days, but no number of crystals or amount of sage will deflect fascism. You have to look those Nazi motherfuckers straight in the eye and tell them "no."
Republicans are out there with seven levels of realpolitik and kneecapping the US Post Office and nice Democratic liberal ladies are hoping a little liver detox and meditation will win the White House. We need to get on the same page, folks.
Not sure how we end our downward fascist slide at this point but "good vibes" sure as fuck is not it. Please reconsider any toxic positivity at this crucial time in history. Thank you.
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