This interesting study found that skeletal #muscle cells of #ME/CFS patients showed a decrease in oxidative phosphorylation (a metabolic pathway used by #mitochondria to generate #energy). In simple terms, that caused the cells to have a dysregulated #metabolism.
2/ Not mentioned in the paper, but important to consider, is that most well-studied #viral + bacterial #pathogens “hijack” the metabolism of the cells they infect in a manner that can result in decreased oxidative phosphorylation (or similar changes in cell energy pathways).
3/ In simples terms, these #pathogens “hijack” cell metabolism to “pull” substrates out of the human mitochondrial energy pathways...and use the substrates (lipids, fatty acids, amino acids) for their own #nutritional and replication purposes!
4/ To better understand that trend check out these papers: 1) This one describes key mechanisms by which #viruses like EBV/CMV hijack host cell metabolism: 2) This one explains how many bacterial pathogens can do the same:
5/ Ultimately what that means is that in conditions like #ME/CFS increasingly tied to host cells with altered #metabolic function...we should study if the #pathogens patients can harbor may be driving some of those metabolic changes!
6/ And does the trend matter for patients w/ Chronic #Lyme Disease? You bet! This paper is just one example of how #Borrelia dramatically alters the metabolic profile of the immune cells it infects:
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