This is one of the really intriguing questions of the next 9 days - how do campaigns adapt to a historically unprecedented level of really early turnout?
In several of the biggest swing states more than half of the total vote, and well over half of the total Dem vote, will be already in the bag with a week to go. What’s the best final stretch strategy for each party in such a never before seen environment?
Imagine you’re the Dems and have a turnout boosting message which will bring in two Dem final week votes for every one Rep vote. Normally a no-brainer but if the yet to vote electorate is 70% republican? It isn’t.
Conversely if you’re the GOP and you’re considering negative advertising which depresses voter enthusiasm that’s a riskier strategy when most of those still to vote are your base (& going negative may be more tempting for Dems for the same reason)
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