I come from a very conservative background and this is not an isolated idea.

The amount of people in that space who believe they are gifted in these ways is staggering. This kind of stuff sounds completely reasonable to them and dunking on them only validates them more. https://twitter.com/repclayhiggins/status/1319715219216674817
This is “the quiet part” they only say to close friends they make at church (or equivalent). It’s always used to rationalize some form of destruction or hate.

Heaven forbid you go have cards drawn but Miss Ruth can see your soul if she prays over you. Totally different. 🙄
There was someone with schizophrenia who came into our lives once and she was considered some sort of seer. She would shout at ‘demons’ and write cryptic notes. Everyone said we were helping her but it was always weird to me that we didn’t just help her get her medication.
The ‘help’ was bringing her to church and praying over her, as if that would magically cure her. But then people would marvel at her ‘insights’ and do whatever she said.

I’m honestly still confused about the whole thing. I hope she got the help she needed.
I guess the point I’m making is that the people in charge of our country should be working with scientists to build a better future. Not listening to someone who claims they have latent psychic abilities because they had a dream that sounds like it was written by a goth teen.
For every bible study group, there is at least 1 person who believes they are psychic and at least half of the group believes them. Just remember than when you argue against conservatism. It’s not about facts, it’s about feelings.
And just so we’re clear, the person I talked of above was actually diagnosed with schizophrenia. I’m not making some claim against her or any derogatory statement. She needed help and medication but living in the south during the mid 2000s, prayer is the help she got.
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