Witch: I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine!

Wizard: I made my saving throw but I’m down.

Witch: Together we shall conquer this land and rule as arcane masters!

Wizard: Yeah, no. You don’t need to sweeten the deal. I said I’m in.
Witch: Wait, what?

Wizard: I’m here for whatever you’re about.

Witch: You mean, you’ll stand with me... even if you’re not under my thrall?

Wizard: Oh, I’m totally under your thrall, but because I chose to be.

Witch: I don’t...

Wizard: Yeah, me either.
Witch: I’ve never had anyone actually want to work with me.

Wizard: And I’ve never had anyone want me to work with them. This is new ground for me too.

Witch: This isn’t some sort of trick, right?

Wizard: I’m kinda scared of the same thing from you.
Witch: Well... I... it’s not.

Wizard: Ditto.

Witch: Alright. Would you like to take over the world with me?

Wizard: Will we get to smooch too?

Witch: ...probably.

Wizard: Let’s burn this thing down then.
Damnit, I wrote a love story again. Ah well, follow me for more. And maybe give these things a RT. I know it's harder now but it's important. #DnD #Retroverse
I always put these calls to follow at the end of stories because they often go far. I get a lot of "but I'm already following you" comments, which always makes me chuckle. Thanks for being here y'all.

Oh, and... http://Patreon.com/Snickelsox 
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