Wanna bigger back?

1) Vertical pulls

Listen, if you want a back like a barn door you’re gonna need to do some sort of vertical pulling motion.

Pull ups are the bread and butter. Multiple different grips such as wide, close, neutral and chin ups along with varying the sets and reps.
If you can rep 10-15 full range of motion pull ups, you’re in a good position to add some load and do some weighted pull ups. I prefer weighted pull ups in the 5-8 rep range and bodyweight for sets of 10+

Splitting these up on different days works even better in my experience.
We can’t forget about pulldowns. I always get asked the question, pull ups or pulldowns? Use BOTH of them, they’re just different tools in the training tool box.

Use a variety of grips and different rep ranges over time to prevent adaptive resistance, and overuse injuries.
Pulldowns work great in the 10-20 rep range and are more joint friendly than pull ups, so they can become useful even more so when your joints are beat up.

Don’t disregard pulldowns because some fucking idiot said “pull ups or nothing else bro”. Fuck them and train smart.
2) Horizontal pulls

You wanna add some thickness to that back?

You’re gonna need to row.

Getting stronger on your barbell row variations and dumbbell row variations in the 6-12 rep range over the course of the next 5 years will add slabs of meat to your back, no question.
Also, don't sleep on row variations such as the chest supported row and cable rows, using a plethora of different grips.

These will yield an excellent stimulus to fatigue ratio due to the decreased axial loading on the spine.
These types of variations work great in the 10-20 rep range, and as long as you’re going within 0-3 reps shy of failure, you’re good.

Again, hitting a horizontal row variation at least 2x per week is beneficial for the majority of people, if you want to maximise hypertrophy.
3) Conventional Deadlifts

Listen, I know the conventional deadlift is primarily a glute and hamstring exercise.

But find me someone with a big conventional deadlift and a small back.

Good luck with that because it doesn’t exist.
Your whole back musculature will act as a stabiliser to your spine when deadlifting, and will build a thickness to your spinal erectors and traps like nothing else.

But what about sumo deadlifts? Not the best variation when it comes to building sheer back size and strength.
Some of my personal favourites include snatch grip deadlifts and paused deadlifts.

Combine the two and make paused snatch grip deadlifts, and you'll force your back to work like crazy and your back will grow a tonne, no doubt about it.
Other honourable mentions include stiff legged deadlifts and RDL’s.

Brilliant stimulus to fatigue ratio, as you’re forced to use less load on the bar whilst still getting a lot of work in for the whole posterior chain.
4) Bonus tip - SSB Squats

The way the bar is cambered at both ends, it pitches you forward at the bottom of a squat.

This forces the spinal erectors and mid back to work extremely hard in order for you to not get buried by it.
When you throw paused reps into the equation, it makes things even more brutal, but extremely effective.

This is not for sissies 😉

If you don't have an SSB, purchase one or find a gym that does have one. Your back will thank you.
To wrap things up,

If you focus on pull ups, rows, and deadlifts using varying grips and getting stronger on them all over the next 3-5 years, your back will be bigger and that’s a fact.

Now get to work!
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