I've been thinking some more about Keir Starmer's demand to shut down the South West for 2-3 weeks, and Fake SAGE wanting to shut the entire hospitality sector and ban all mixing here for 6 weeks.

Here's the data: looks like a big surge right? But the total numbers aren't huge.
I make it 7251 cases since the start of October. But 799 of those are at Bristol University (well done for having decent data available https://www.bristol.ac.uk/coronavirus/statistics/). 241 are at Bath University
750 cases are in Exeter local authority - and we are told 80% of those are students https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-54479196
There's a lot more universities and colleges as well who don't have such good data available.
Overall I wouldn't be surprised if around half the recent SW cases were students. So, Pretend SAGE want to shut down the hospitality and leisure industries for 6 weeks in a region that isn't at all badly affected outside campuses right now. It's a view, I guess.
But it does beg the question of what happens when it finally does get bad down here. Are we going to lock down Liverpool and Leeds because cases are high in Bath and Bristol? I'd have to assume not. And if not, why does it apply the other way round?
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