Radical right wing dipshit finds out the hard way that many Democrats also have concealed carry permits, and are more than capable of defending themselves from acts of violence. https://twitter.com/musicandwhiskey/status/1315160082192064515
This is something my wife and I were talking about this morning: It's the Baudrillard definition of how ideas are simulated.

People on the right love cosplay. The big AR-15's, the body armor, the hilarious "tactical" sunglasses, etc.

People like me? You'd never know I'm armed.
If I was headed to a protest (I'm not, I have a son at home, and want to avoid violence), I'd make damn sure no one knew I was armed. My goal isn't to look intimidating. My goal is to protect myself discreetly.

That's why this moron spraying pepper spray is dead right now.
I think many people on the right have (incorrectly) assumed my liberal stance on the Second Amendment means I'm not going to defend myself.

There are many people like me out there: Democrats who grew up in the South -- enjoying hunting, fishing, and shooting.
The violence is clearly (CLEARLY) coming from radical conservative morons. They're usually angry white men, and they (oddly) assume they're bulletproof.

Either of these two guys (especially the guy pulling a gun on teenagers) could have been killed for simply being dumb.
As much as it's your right to protest, it's also your right to NOT be subjected to violence.

If someone is spraying pepper spray at you, throws a stupid sucker punch, or (worse) pulls out a gun -- you are under no obligation to be a pacifist. That's what the guy in Denver did.
This is why I try to encourage liberal people to get a CCP and a small 9mm firearm to keep on them. If you're going to protests, there is a high degree of probability that armed right wing militia groups will be there, and if they take violent action, you should shoot them.
I fully support the actions of the private security guard in Denver. Someone approached him, assaulted him, sprayed pepper spray at close range, and then appeared to reach for something else.

That's a great way to get shot. End of story.
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