So I've been reading this really interesting book about water recently.

It was written by the author Masaru Emoto, who has studied the wonders and mysteries of water deeply.

I want to share a really interesting perspective he's found through his research.🤔

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I believe this is nature's most beautiful compound.

Usually we drink water without paying much attention to it.

We know it's benefits and its importance to the maintenance of life

and because of that familiarity, we very rarely truly appreciate it's existence.
Mr. Emoto conducted his study of water by looking at it closely with a microscope

and judging its quality by the formation of 'crystals'.

He puts water samples in a glass bottle and exposes it to 'information', such as a word, picture or music for some time.
I know, crazy right?

Bare with me.

This water is then dropped on fifty petri dishes, which are frozen in a freezer.

Once they are taken out three hours later, ice grains will have formed, which are very small.

They look at these ice grains closely with a microscope.
If things go well, a crystal will start to form as the temperature rises and the ice starts to melt.

The fifty petri dishes all contain the same water, frozen at the same condition so variables were consistent.

However, not all ice grains formed crystals.
He concludes that the appearance of a water crystal is certainly indicative of the quality of water.

I don't want to explain everything because I want y'all to get the book - its really interesting.

But I want to share this hypothesis Mr. Emoto came up with.
"Water shows different shapes of ice crystals depending on the information it has received"

Of course, the presence of chlorine and other chemicals will influence the quality of the water, but he was sure that that wasn't just it (he goes into more detail in the book about that)
To test it, he put water into two glass bottles and he pasted a label on each one,

in such a way that the water will be able to 'read' them.

One said "Thank You", whilst the other said "You fool".

The results were amazing.
At first I actually found it hard to believe, but the more I read the more fascinated I became.
- Water Understands Words.

Mr. Emoto consistently found that water responded to positive words by forming beautiful crystals.

In contrast, the water responded to negative words by struggling to form complete crystals or not at all.
The one that specifically stuck to Mr. Emoto was the word "love and gratitude".

They had never been able to find another crystal as beautiful as the one that resulted from showing water the words "love and gratitude".
The human body is 70% water.

We can safely say that the 'essence' of a human being is water.

Applying this knowledge, this principle of water to ourselves would make sense.

If we have an abundance of positivity, beautiful music, imagination/visualization within our minds
Then there's no reason for us not to blossom like those crystals did when they were exposed to the positive types of 'information'.

If we constantly expose ourselves to negative words and emotions,

then we would fail to grow, reach our potential and look/feel empty.
I still find it hard to believe, but this man dedicated a lot of his time to research water.

I certainly find it a fascinating discovery and I highly recommend the book.

I'm merely sharing what I learn during my journey but I hope it gave you guys something to think about.
If you've found this interesting, please feel free to share and RT.

The book is wonderful and certainly deserves more eyes on so we can all learn truly about the wonders of water.

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