How To Persuade Like Lincoln

4 Lessons In 4 Tweets


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1: Use Metaphor

The Gettysburg address is one giant metaphor. Lincoln turned a devastating battle into a metaphor for national crucifixion...
First, he analogizes the nation to a child: Our "fathers brought forth" a nation "conceived in liberty."

He then alludes to a temporary death: a "final resting place."

And finally rebirth: "This nation...shall have a new birth of freedom."

Metaphors are Grade A persuasion.
2: Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

The Gettysburg Address uses the word "dedicate" six times.

Through repetition, Lincoln leads listeners to an inevitable conclusion: They must be dedicated to the democratic project in America.
3: Keep It Simple

In the 19th century, complex language was a status marker. It signaled higher educated.

But — even though he was operating at the apex of U.S. politics — Lincoln still kept it simple.

His House Divided speech is almost all one-syllable words:
4: Invoke Contrast

Many films and stories perfected the art of contrast.

Think Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vader.
Contrast is good storytelling. And *great* persuasion.

Lincoln knew this:

He contrasts words and actions: "The world will little note what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here..."

And life and death. Take a look...
That's all friends!

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