Hey #neisvoid peeps -- we talk about how difficult it can be to get help or support, especially in the face of "Let me know how I can help."

So let's have a thread of all the things a supporter could say that are better than "Anything I can do to help?"

Bad: Let me know how I can help.
Better: If you have time tomorrow, I could come over and vacuum for you.

Bad: I could bring you a meal sometime.
Better: Do you have plans this weekend? Why don't I bring over something to eat, and we can watch a movie together.

Better: It must be hard to really get the bathtub clean. Want me to give it a quick scrub for you?

Better: Hey, I know people want to help, but they don't know how. Could I help you manage that? We can talk about the things that are hardest for you, and I'll try to find someone to take those off your hands.

Some of this is like "SMART" objectives. Be specific. Pay attention to what your friend or family member struggles with. Don't be afraid to ask them.

And if you can combine support with spending time together--laundry is great for this--that's even better.

Bad: Anything I can do to help?
Good: Sounds like (your condition) makes it tough to drive sometimes. Are you able to get to your appointments okay? Can you call me if you need a driver?
Good: I'm running out to (Store) later today. Can I pick you up anything while I'm there?

I know you haven't gotten out of the house for a while. Want to just go for a car ride with me? We can see your favorite park, .....

I know you've been anxious about that doctor appointment. Would it be helpful to have someone come with you?

#ChronicHelp #neisvoid
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