[THREAD] one of the most common questions is around how common mental illness is now, especially by those who criticize it. How is it possible that there is such an increase? Is it because of awareness or is it actually increasing? Well it is a little bit of both. Let’s see why.
First of all, it is important to remember that not so long ago, we hid family members who suffered from mental health issues from society from fear of being judged. Statistics were not accurate at all. Also, categories of mental illness were so few as opposed to now.
Usually, mental illness was reserved for those whose condition was so bad that they were locked up in long term asylums. The second half of the 20th century is when more and more diagnoses and treatments started to happen.
Also, there were many people who went undiagnosed or who didn’t think that what they were going through was mental health related. We all know parents who drink too much, smoke too much, lash out, are emotionally unavailable, etc...
These are usually signs of someone trying to cope on their own or self-medicate rather than going through treatment either because of the stigma or because they don’t think they need it. However, things have changed now. Happiness is something we seek.
Let’s make one thing clear. Every single on this planet will go through at least mental health struggle in their life. It is just unavoidable because of some bad things that happen in life. It is important to recognize it and get help when it happens.
There is also the factor of our environment. Wages are stagnating. The housing market is unattainable for most millennials and gen Z. Society is so fast paced that it is hard to cope with that stress. News are constantly around us. It is hard to escape from social media.
There are so many factors that lead to mental health issues that exist in our societies and that older generations never had to face. All these environmental factors are not things we can control for the most part.
It is important to realize the existence of these issues and to encourage those who go through multiple stressors or who are struggling to get treatment. At one point or another, we would all need it and there is absolutely no shame in that.
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