Well, I haven’t been feeling wonderful today and I can’t do video games cause the tracking will make me nauseous but I’ve had this sitting in my stack for a week so LET’S PLAY! #dungeon #ttrpg
This is a choose your own adventure style Dungeon for One that I found in the stacks and work as I was stocking our gaming section and seems perfect for these Covid times we are in where we don’t get to play in person.
There are four starting characters (you can also make your own) with some cool artwork. What I love is that their genders are not defined by either art or text. That’s an inclusive approach I am loving. We’re going to play as Aneir the Soldier.
Okay. Through a stone archway and down some steps we have our first room. Storeroom. Let’s search it! Cool! Found some wine and some rope. Rope is always good.
Now there is a door.
There was a trap on said door. Fucking oww. Bolt to the arm.
These stairs go on FOREVER. But at the top was a table with food. Oh no. There are apples. Shiny shiny apples. I know where this is going...
Oh PRAISE JEEBUS we are smart enough not to just chow the hell down on this apple. Made the INT save.
Okay now we see through the illusion but there is what is probably a vampire or a fey standing at the head of the table toasting us like Jay Gatsby. Do we say “Sup?” Or Run Away?
I chose speak to the Vampire and uh...We are not charming so that didn’t go so well. Now he wants us to eat. Damn. Maybe we can fake it with our wine!
So if we chose to eat we get stuck in a never ending banquet loop.
Okay so we fled and went down a dark tunnel instead. Set off a pressure trap which set loose a beast. Fight or run past? I mean I feel like fighting will happen either way.
Well that went well. Aneir is made for this after all.
Now I have a torch so...that’s a thing.
More doors. Mordor. One apparently does walk into More doors. #puns
Oh ho go. We stumbled into a room with a Hot Boi!!!
Uhm. He wants a blood sacrifice. This Hot Boi is a Psychopath.
Bye, Hot Boi.
Oh...there is a dragon in this dungeon. Haha. Hello...Thankfully I stole shinies from Hot Boi. For the hoard, your great scaliness.
Told it a story and it let us go. Even gave us a gift.
Omg it’s so CUTE! Hello friend!
Holy halibut! Batman was a cleric! Very glad to have met him.
And now there’s a hot demon chick who is going to wreck my shit. Lady, I just want to leave.
Now there are mermaids and nope, not going swimming. No thanks. Im good.
Made it out alive and with about 300 gold worth of loot. Can retire in luxury thanks to making friends with Batboy, the dragon, and Demon Chick. Good game!!
This was a fun diversion, the adventure clearly written with fun nods to things that appear in dungeon crawls and has definite replay ability. Highly recommend! Would be great for on the road or a rainy day.
Almost said it would be great for a plane trip but PLEASE DO NOT FLY DURING THE PANDEMIC. Also, adventure safely WEAR A MASK. if you’ve read along, thanks for coming! Hope you had fun. Til next time!
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