I'm going to tell you what's going on right now: There are doctors inside Walter Reed, desperately trying to explain to President Trump that he hasn't recovered, and the energy he's feeling is the result of some pretty heavy-duty steroids.

But he's not going to listen to them.
Steroids are crazy, man. In 2015, I suffered a brutal lower leg injury. I fractured my tibia, fibula, and then split my talus in half. It sucked.

After surgery, I was given steroid injections, along with oral steroids.

They make you feel WIDE AWAKE.
I don't need a doctor to tell me Trump's manic tweeting is the result of steroids. I was in the exact same zone.

Your brain gets weird on steroids. You think you're much smarter and much more capable than you really are.

Imagine Trump thinking he's smarter. That's scary.
Here's the other thing about steroids: They're temporary. The crash coming off them is insane. Your body just goes limp, basically. You feel tired and angry.

Once Trump's steroid crash happens, he's not going to be happy. He's going to be cranky in a way we have never seen.
Also, steroids are a metaphorical sugar high. You aren't healed. Steroids are helpful at improving recovery, and reducing inflammation. (That's what NSAID's are called "non steroid anti-inflammatory" -- because the other way is with steroids.)

This crash is gonna be insane.
My friend @tweet4dani is a psych-nurse. She's told me stories about how steroids are the bane of her unit, because when you give mentally unstable people steroids, bad things happen.

That's what is happening right now. Trump is mentally unstable, and on super-crack.
It is my belief that Trump thinks being in the hospital makes him look weak. That's why he's trying to leave. From the rumors that leaked, Trump's pulmonary health is far from ideal, and he's not out of the woods.

His own ego is probably going to do real harm right now.
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