I will be watching SNL because I love to suffer. I'll let you know how many wishes for a speedy recovery they send him
opening with a debate sketch although they acknowledge that it is already quite dated
honestly... Jim Carrey is kinda nailing it already
"I assume you're ready for this debate, Joe?"

"Absolutely not!"
"No, Joe. Don't let your inner Whitey Bulger come out. Just flash them all that smile you learned in anger management."

this... is... good?
oic. their running bit is gonna be "Joe is a buffoon but Kamala is a Girl Boss and we love her"
"America needs a WAP: Woman As President!"

ok they are now having Biden do a bit about how we should all imagine how nice it would be if Trump died (not using that word, but that's it) and it's really landing. so maybe... maybe no thoughts and prayers.
that's how the cold open ended lmao
honestly didn't think they had it in them
Chris Rock opened with "President Trump is in the hospital with COVID and I just wanna say my heart goes out to COVID"
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