Alright, little nostalgic thread of TV programs I used to watch as a kid...

First up: ‘The Adventure Game’

A precursor to ‘The Crystal Maze’. Where contestants had to complete logic puzzles to win tokens, before going up against the ’Vortex’. Losers had to walk back to Earth.
Next up:

‘Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon’.

Forget Thundercats, forget He-Man, the D&D cartoon was THE cartoon to watch. A continuous adventure featuring a bunch of kids pulled from our world and thrust into the D&D universe (lite). Dungeon Master was cool, but Eric stole the show.


Alright it wasn’t in the same league as Thunderbirds. But, for some reaon it was way, way, cooler. Maybe it was the robots, maybe it was Windsor Davies, maybe it was the music, or the naughts and crosses game at the end. Whatever it was, it was bloody good!


Yes, the acting was bad. Yes, the graphics were terrible. Yes, the adventure didn’t make sense. But the phrase ‘Where am I!’ is still imprinted on my psyche. Plus it had a kickass opening sequence AND Treguard! ‘Warning team, incoming temporal disruption!’

‘Battle of the Planets’

Before D&D took the cartoon crown, the one show I worshipped was ‘Battle of the Planets’. It had a cool collection of characters, cool weapons, and it had the coolest ship around which changed into a flaming Phoenix! Plus Keyop who spoke in chirps!

‘The A-Team’

Saturday evening TV wasn’t Saturday evening TV until the A-Team was on. I would watch in awe as Hannibal, Murdock, B.A. and Face would shoot a billion rounds without hitting a single person. Sure the format was nearly always the same, but it was so much fun!

‘Space 1999’

Okay, it wasn’t Star Trek, or Star Wars, but it was an awesome, if slightly unnerving, space saga for a kid to watch. It also had the best looking ship in the galaxy - the Eagle! (which I had 2 of in ‘toy’ format)

It also had the funkiest theme tune around.


This was a bit of a ‘treat’ show for me in the early 80s, as it was on fairly late and I’d occassionally be allowed to stay up to catch it. It had the characters I cared about, funny jokes and the best theme tune ever (I still listen to it on my commute to work).

‘Miami Vice’

The show that did more damage to my street cred than any other show. I wanted to be Don Johnson, I had the glasses, the shirt, the canvas shoes - I suffered a lot of heartache. But what a show, with kickass electro music and the greatest Lt. in ‘Castillo’.

‘The Equalizer’

Coming along during my teens, the Equalizer had the one thing I was looking for - REVENGE! a gritty antihero series which saw Robert McCall taking down those who had wronged his ‘clients’. As a bullied school kid, he was a hero to me. Music gave me chills.

‘High Chaparral’

Back in the day there were two main western shows, ‘Bonanza’, and ‘High Chaparral’. I watched both, but I preferred ‘High Chaparral’ mainly because I wanted to be Buck Cannon, plus I loved the opening colourised titles and inspirational theme tune.


Mid-80s was a time for ‘vigilante-justice-in-every-vehicle-possible’, in the skies it was a straight fight between Blue Thunder and Airwolf. Blue thunder had a minigun, but airwolf had two mounted gun and belly cannons, plus a better cast and music - no contest.

‘Robin of Sherwood’

Two Robins (one took over as the substitute Robin, when Loxley was killed off) and a bunch of likeable ‘Merry Men’, RoS was a TV favourite on Saturday evenings. I can still hear Clannad’s haunting music and the line: ‘...Rooobin, the Hooded maaaan!’
(Sorry spotted a spelling mistake in RoS, so had to break the chain to repost!)

‘Blackadder 2’

The most quoted series to date, the one all the geeky school kids would talk about in the playground. Forget series 1, which had Baldrick and Edmund the wrong way around, BA2 was so funny, so sharp I can still quote it today - and improved with BA3 and BA4.

‘The Young Ones’

You watched ‘Blackadder2’ with your parents, you watched ‘The Young Ones’ alone. It was our first glimpse of life beyond school. It was total anarchy, it was surreal, it had ‘Madness’, it was rude AND funny - it led the way for ‘Filthy Rich & Catflap’

‘The Professionals’

With the ‘Professionals’, you were either ‘Bodie’ or ‘Doyle’ (I was ‘Bodie’) - nobody, I mean NOBODY was ‘Cowley’. It had dry humour, guns, punch-ups, the best car on TV (the Ford Capri 3.0 S) and the best opening sequence and theme tune ever!

‘Take Hart’

A man creating art doesn’t sound like a ‘must-see’ show - but add Mr Bennett, Morph, Chas, the Gallery, ‘that’ iconic music Left Bank Two by the Noveltones, top-down camera positions showing the art coming to life, AND Tony Hart, and you have a surefire hit!

‘Knight Rider’

The king of ‘vehicles-as-vigilantes’ shows which peppered the 80s. A cool lead, a cool car, but without doubt the real star of the show was K.I.T.T. voiced by William David Daniels. The best episode was a K.I.T.T. Vs K.A.R.R. grudge match. What a tune too!


As a kid I literally didn’t have a clue ‘what’ was going on with this show. But I still recall with glee watching ‘Miss Popov’, ‘Mr Meaker’ and of course ‘Mr Claypole’. Fantastically silly fun with a suitably spooky, yet catchy theme tune to boot.

‘Treasure Hunt’

I can’t quite put my finger on why I liked this show so much. Was it the thrill of hunting for clues? Was it the fact they were in a helicopter? Was it the race against the clock? Was it Anneka Rice’s posterior? Whatever it was, I really enjoyed this show.

‘The Rockford Files’

I found this gem on BBC2 by chance (it was on at the same time as the news on BBC1/ITV). Back then channel selection was limited and I needed something other than the ‘boring news’ to watch. I loved the downbeat Jim Rockford trying to crack cases.

‘Doctor Who’

Okay, this is a tricky one because it has such a legacy with so many great doctors, BUT, Tom Baker was ‘my’ Doctor Who. His electric eccentricity was mesmerising, although I hated Jelly Babies with a passion... still, great ‘hiding-behind-the-sofa’ fun!

‘Star Trek TOS’

I watched a lot of BBC2 in the 80s, so Star Trek was always a default go-to show for me. With its awesome cast, storylines, special effects and humour, Star Trek TOS was near-perfect. It also had a spooky-ass ‘credits’ alien which gave me the chills.


It wasn’t the best cartoon around, I can’t remember any of the storylines. But what I do remember is all those cool weapons clipping onto the Centurions’ socketed body-suits. I couldn’t even tell you their names... I just thought they looked bad-ass as a kid.


I love ‘whodunnit’ shows, but even better was watching Columbo solve the crime AFTER you just seen the killer(s) act it out. The way the dishevelled detective slowly picked away at the alibis was awesome. Having a ‘star’ each episode was a master stroke too!

‘The Wonder Years’

Late 80s, I was 15 going on 18 and a big fan of the comedy/drama ‘The Wonder Years’. I loved the character dynamics, Kevin’s older brother hate/hate relationship. It was full of comedic angst, which pretty much summed up my entire life at that point.


Before ‘Lewis’ and ‘Endeavour’, ‘Morse’ was THE crime drama on TV. With its memorable theme tune written by Barrington Pheloung, Morse grumbled his way from Oxford into our homes via a regular mid-evening slot. So loved was he, his demise even made the newspapers.

‘The Six Million Dollar Man’

No nostalgic list can be complete without Lee Majors. I watched and enjoyed ‘The Fall Guy’ with its catchy theme tune - but I think his finest outing was in ‘The Six Million Dollar Man’. Who can forget the greatest action figure ever created!

‘Blake’s 7’

Forget Buck Rogers, the sci-fi show all the school kids ‘knew’ was cool was Blake’s 7. With a memorable cast, it also had a superb antihero in Avon. Filled with twists and turns, it also had a sexy-ass ship, the Liberator! The theme tune was suitably epic too.


Based on the ‘Journey to the West’, ‘Monkey’ was totally bonkers and superbly brilliant. With colourful characters, over-the-top fights, a floating cloud, and a pain inflicting headband which was replicated in school playgrounds up and down the country.

‘Now Get Out Of That’

As @ThingsBeHere put it: ‘Now Get Out Of That’ was the precursor to every corporate team building day you’ve been on. But as a kid, this was an awesome show filled with electrifying problems that required luck and ingenuity to overcome. Fab stuff!
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