Hello everyone!
Hope you had a splendid day🌈?
Is time to for us to tweet about opensource projects you are involved in and why it excites you🙂
Hopefully, from your experience this thread will help beginners in OS learn about how to get involved in FOSS projects.
I am currently contributing to the @gnome projects. I joined as an engagement team member. The team is responsible for marketing, user outreach and event management. You can learn more about the team here https://wiki.gnome.org/Engagement/GettingInvolved
I was on-boarded into @gnome projects by @1nuritzi. She carefully highlighted different areas I could begin my contributions. I choose the engagement team because I already had experience in tech advocacy and digital marketing and so it was easy for me to fit into the community.
Why I choose @gnome project ?

Prior to when I met @1nuritzi at the @AnitaB_org systers community. I had worked as a faculty member @NIITLtd Kaduna and Port Harcourt Centers In Nigeria where I lectured software engineering students on Linux and databases modules
As a user and lover of @gnome
desktop, meeting someone from the community for the first time was a very exciting experience and I wanted to contribute my own quota to the project.
This contribution birthed the PAN AFRICAN GNOME SUMMIT (PAGS)
The PAGS project was created to extend the reach of @gnome projects to African countries. We were suppose to have an event to showcase the @gnome community and help onboard beginners from Africa. we had to postponed due to the pandemic. https://gitlab.gnome.org/nkemregina/extend-gnome-reach-to-african-nations
While still working on the PAGS project the @gnomeafrica community was formed to continue the mission of exposing and on-boarding Africans to the @gnome project . We hold meetings to help us grow the community better. please see for more information https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeAfrica 
Recently, I championed the @gnome Onboard @gnomeafrica virtual event .The aim of the project is to help Africans onboard into @gnome . We had amazing speakers from @gnome and @fedora. It was an awesome event and we will be sharing the recordings soon ..
Another exciting project I am working on is the "Scalable on-boarding". The aim of the project is to focus on how to do scalable on-boarding for opensource newcomers into the various teams from a holistic level. https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Engagement/initiatives/scalable-onboarding
The scalable onboarding project allows us as a team to discuss real time issues beginners in opensource projects are facing and holistically look at ways to improve their experience. We do this by holding regular weekly meetings and inviting other opensource communities.
Lets talk about my involvement in #Diversity and #inclusion in FOSS. I am part of the team building the DI team in @gnome and also @osdiversity, I also spoke about the subject at #GUADEC
So enough about my open source contributions. I like to learn about your contributions too!!!

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