Secret is there is no secret. 13 rules. Modern science and ancient wisdom.

Eat whole foods.
Build community.
Care deeply.
Hold pain tenderly.
Give help.
Get help.
Stay on path.
Fall off path.
Get back on path.
Be patient.
Accept what is—keep going anyway.
Sleep when tired.
1) Move your body

Aim for at least 30 minutes every day. More is better. Walk. Run. Lift weights. Dance. Garden. If possible, do some of this outdoors. Whatever you do, don’t try to be a hero. Start small. Consistent effort compounds over time. Inertia works in both directions.
2) Eat whole foods

Do what you can to avoid stuff wrapped in plastic. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Pick one to three habitual eating patterns that aren’t great and upgrade them. Unless you find one that works for you AND fits the lifestyle you want, ignore diets.
3) Build deep community

The people with whom you surround yourself shape you. Being super productive is fine, but not if it crowds out time for cultivating meaningful relationships. Most people feel best in a tribe. Yearning for belonging runs deep in our DNA. Make time for it.
4) Care deeply

The things you care about will break your heart. That’s fine. It's the nature of the game. Keep caring. Stay in the arena. The depth of your life is directly proportional to the depth of your caring.
5) Hold pain tenderly: When it hurts, be kind to yourself. If you can’t, call upon your community and let them be your life boat.

6) Give help: We’re all in this together. What comes around goes around.

7) Get help: We’re all in this together. What comes around goes around.
8) Stay on the path: Know your core values. Let them serve as guideposts.

9) Fall off the path: Mess up. Because you are human.

10) Get back on the path: Do not judge yourself too harshly, but learn from your mistakes. Go to the place where you fell off. Start walking again.
11) Be patient

It’s a nine-inning game. We often think we’re in the bottom of the seventh when we’re really only in the top of the third. Weather patterns change.
12) Accept what is—and keep going anyways: Somewhere between burying your head in the sand and pollyanna delusion is wise hope. That’s a good place to be.

13) Sleep when you’re tired: Machines are hard. Humans are soft. These are the facts.
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