For the last 200,000 years, humans have existed and thrived, running on our bare feet.

Over the last 50 years, running shoes have taken over the world of sports, messing up our biomechanics + foot development in the process.
Growing up as kid we were pushed into padded running shoes for sports, or tight dress shoes for most of our school years.

The effect this has is our internal foot musculature and natural structure and biomechanics developing all wrong, our running gait decaying because of it.
When you start to barefoot run, all the little unused muscles in your feet and ankles get back into the swing of things.

This translates to improved athleticism, a better connection to the earth and a newfound sense of awareness in the body.
If a PT is trying to improve an athlete’s performance but Is not addressing the literal root of all athletic performance, the feet, a lot of the efforts will be wasted.

Hip pain, knee + ankle issues can be solved by making the shift away from clunky padded heel shoes
I can personally attest to how much better weightlifting is in barefoot shoes.

If you're lifting weights and pushing off the ground with a big heel, you're messing up the angles through which you're pushing against.

You should Deadlift/Squat without shoes.
In Daniel Lieberman's Skeletal Biology Lab a study examined the physical stresses on feet with different types of running.

They found that people with running shoes strike the ground with the mass of the entire leg, nearly 7 percent of the body.
That’s more than THREE TIMES the weight of impact for barefoot running. Not good for your joints!

Now imagine that increased stress on the body its not designed to take, for years.

No wonder people that have run all their lives in running shoes have knee problems...
Running barefoot has been shown to use about 5% less energy than shod running (Divert et al., 2005; Squadrone and Gallozzi, 2009)

As an endurance athlete, it is in your better interests performance wise to run barefoot.
I personally use my favourite, the Vibram KSO EVO shoe for the total barefoot experience. I lift in these.

These provide protection for longer trail runs or if you’re in the city against glass/other sharps.

Completely barefoot is obviously best if you can manage that.

Do you remember the times when you were young and ran around barefooted? How did that feel?

Walking/Running barefooted brought a sense of child-like wonder that was lost - until now.

The feet are your connection to nature and to the Earth.
There is an increased Mindfulness that comes with moving to being barefoot.

You truly feel like your feet become instruments of balance, you will have noticeably improved feedback and you can make micro adjustments to gait in response to the feeling the ground.
Additionally you will have connection to nature - feeling the grass against your feet, the dirt between your toes - this is a natural feeling we have become split from.

IF completely barefoot, you will get the added benefit of grounding : https://twitter.com/SolBrah/status/1254966351476785153?s=20https://twitter.com/SolBrah/status/1254966351476785153?s=20
Check my thread on the Tarahumara people - arguably the most proficient runners in the world - they only wear thin strip of material / sandals to run in. https://twitter.com/SolBrah/status/1253538821221670913?s=20

If you have been a heel striker your whole life, it takes some time and much work to train your body to forefoot or midfoot strike, especially because you need stronger feet and calf muscles.

Try starting on softer surface like grass or sand
Land gently on your forefoot and gradually let the heel come down.

Be patient and build gradually. It takes months to make the transition.
To start, walk barefoot. Once you’ve felt that you’ve become used to the feeling, try smaller runs than you usually would wearing shoes. Build up gradually.

Whenever without shoes, try expanding your toe spread and increasing the mind-muscle connection you have within your foot.
It is essential to stretch your calves, achilles tendon and hamstrings regularly as you make the transition.

Foam roll or Massage your calf muscles and arches frequently to break down scar tissue. This will help your muscles to heal and get stronger.
Listen to your body and run totally barefoot to learn good form.

You will feel the adjustments naturally as your body adapts to the feeling of being barefoot, as nature intended.
If you've been inspired to ditch the shoes because of this thread, smash that RT button on the first tweet to spread the word. https://twitter.com/SolBrah/status/1311261551425282048?s=20
You can follow @SolBrah.
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