A lot of mails and messages I get on diet and food habits, supplements, protein etc etc. Here’s a thread of what I do or suggest. Don’t fall for all the food pics I post. I eat very little of it.
Three habits u should generally have- protein in every meal, vegetable in every meal and keep refined carbohydrates and processed food to a minimum
Pre, post and during workout food - if u had a well rounded meal 2 hours before exercise, u don’t need anything. Or else take a protein shake with banana or almond butter 30-60 mins before workout. I don’t believe in pre workouts.
During workout u need to be hydrated so drink at least 300-500 ml water. U may add Enerzal or some salt in water if you sweat too much or doing intensive cardio.
Post workout if you have a well rounded meal within two hours it works well to help you recover. Protein shake is not harmful either. It’s an quick and easy option to get those muscle-repairing and glycogen-replenishing calories in.
Protein - Aim for 1g/pound of body weight. This is a science backed recommendation.
Your CARBS should come mostly from whole food options. Include a mixture of starchy carbs and fiber rich vegetables in your diet.
Dietary fats are an important energy source, support numerous cellular processes, hormone production, brain health and more. To get the most out of your fat intake, aim for a nice even blend of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
Unless you are clinically deficient in a specific vitamin or mineral, supplements are not a 'necessity'. Check Vit D and B 12 regularly. Fish oil is a good supplement to take. At times, I take Creatine Monohydrate which helps to regenerate ATP and can therefore support energy
Caffeine is a very well researched ergogenic aid. It can help you to train harder, for longer. I take a black coffee 30 mins prior to my workout. If u r struggling to hit your protein goals it’s a good idea to take protein powder but buy from reliable source. I import.
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