It sets you free, it helps you move forward with your life, it begins your healing process, it removes anger and malice from your heart, you’re no longer giving someone else authority over your kind and heart.
You will have peace of mind, you have the power to forgive, forgiveness is the best revenge, forgiveness is one of life’s greatest teachers, forgiveness helps us release the victim mentality, the power of Forgiveness!
Extremely difficult to do, easy to say, but the benefits are incredible and we need to try and practice this. The fact is that in most cases the person to be forgiven is usually loving their lives to the fullest, while the person who needs to forgive is struggling.
We need to forgive only so we can move on! Yes maybe the other person is wrong and doesn’t deserve it at all, but remember we are doing it to release us from our own prison, to lighten up, to release a load so we can move on and live life.
It does not mean we have to become friends or the other person even has to know you have forgiven them, just do it inside of you too. It takes time, it’s hard, but we must do it for our own good!
You can follow @LukeCoutinho17.
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